About Intergroup

How Does Intergroup Operate?

All groups in the Charlotte area are encouraged to have an Intergroup Representative to express the group’s conscience, views, and desires at the bi-monthly Intergroup meeting.

Intergroup Representative meetings are held at the Metrolina Intergroup Office the third Saturday of every odd month at 10:00 am. Intergroup meetings are an open forum for all AA members, and you are cordially invited to attend.

Financial support of Metrolina Intergroup is purely voluntary and is not required from any group to have a representative and a vote.

At the July meeting, the Intergroup Nominating Committee (nominations@charlotteaa.org) members solicit for nominations to serve on the next year’s Steering Committee. Elections are held at the November meeting for the next year’s Co-Chair members.

The above individuals, plus the Metrolina Intergroup Executive Secretary, become the Administrative Committee for the following year.

It is the Committee’s responsibility to outline and monitor the Metrolina Intergroup Office operations and activities in accordance with the By-Laws of the Metrolina Intergroup Area and the desires of the member groups.

How is Intergroup financed?

Group contributions
Individual contributions from Alcoholics
Sponsored activities
Sale of AAWS literature

A brief financial statement is published bi-monthly in the 20/20 Newsletter and lists all group contributions. Detailed financial reports are presented at the Bi-monthly Intergroup meeting.

How does Intergroup help carry the AA message?

Intergroup supports the following AA service Committees:  (All committees meet at the Intergroup office)

Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) and Public Information (PI) Committee  provides information about AA to individuals, media groups, government, educational, religious, medical and other organizations. CPC/PI meets the fourth Saturday of each month at 10:00 am.  cpc-pi@charlotteaa.org

The Corrections Facilities Committee carries the AA message to individuals incarcerated in jails and prisons. CFC meets the last Sunday of every month at 3:00 pm. corrections@charlotteaa.org

The Treatment Facilities Committee offers similar service to individuals in treatment and detox centers, hospitals, shelters, and half-way houses. TFC (formerly H&I) meets the second Saturday of each month at 9:30 am.  treatment@charlotteaa.org

The Unity Committee is responsible for the Christmas Alcathon, New Year’s Alcathon, and the Founder’s Day Picnic. These special events are provided for the benefit of the Greater Charlotte AA community. All AA members, their families, and friends are welcome to attend these events. The committee meets on the third Saturday of each month at 11:00 am.  unitygroupclt@gmail.com

What happens at the Intergroup Office?
Twelfth-Step Calls
The Intergroup Office maintains a listing for AA in the local telephone directory; AA volunteers answer the phones, and when calls come in from individuals looking for help, the volunteers contact AA members and arrange for them to call on individuals seeking help with problems with alcohol. Individuals seeking help for other problems are referred to the appropriate programs or agencies.
The Intergroup Office is the clearinghouse for information and logistical support between individual AA members, groups, local and state committees, the General Service Office in New York, and the community at large.
Home Answering Service
When the Intergroup Office is closed, individual AA members take calls on their personal phones through the use of remote-access call forwarding.
20/20 Newsletter
Intergroup’s AA newsletter is published by Intergroup with the help of volunteers. It contains Intergroup financial reports, committee reports, and other local AA news of interest.
Meeting List
Metrolina Intergroup Office maintains records of AA groups and meetings in the Charlotte and surrounding areas. The meeting list is kept up to date daily on charlotteaa.org. There is also a printed meeting list of the meetings hosted at the Intergroup office itself.
AA Books and Literature
The Intergroup Office maintains an inventory of AA books and pamphlets for sale to AA members and the general public. A price list is available on request.

AA Meetings
The Intergroup Office provides space for AA Committee meetings and some AA meeting space.
Special Events
The Intergroup Office sponsors workshops on topics of interest to AA members such as Big Book studies.

Special Note: Metrolina Intergroup is wheelchair accessible.  Ramp is located at back of building.